Probable future school laws will include sanctions on internet actions

Good afternoon dear readers,

i haven’t made deep research but i just want to rapidly give out a thought that ran my mind.

With the Internet becoming a place where school pupils freely speak out their minds, the teachers they hate are targeted through this medium.

This has cost depression and discomfort for some teachers and subsequent insufficient engagement. Pupils are capable of mounting funny or provocative images of their teachers.

I rapidly thought to myself that probable future school laws will include declarations closer to those listed below:

  • “all students/pupils caught insulting a teacher online will be punished as follows…………………….”
  • “all student online accounts not submitted to the school authority for consultation  will be punished as follows…….”
  • “if a student is using a fake online account to bring down his teacher’s dignity, he be punished as follows…….”
  • “if any nickname used amongst students in online groups is targeting teachers, they’ll be  punished as follows…….”
  • etc..

Online interactions amongst pupil will definitely be regulated at the school level in varying degrees, in different countries. This is just evolution.


Thanks for reading.